Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Android Live Broadcast apps

This week released there Android app. to publish LIVE from your mobile phone. (ios coming soon). With the release of this I thought it would be a great moment to look over the 3 most popular live streaming apps from the Droid phone I use. Keep in mind this is just my personal option. Your style or use for it could be different.

1. The sound quality is a little poor. This could be due to my camera not working 100%. I love that you can instantly have a tweet & fb post sent out. You can also chat with the live audience right from the phone. Great Great app & way to publish video to the web over 3G network.

Watch live video from grantmead on

2. Qik This LIVE streaming app works great to publish alot of videos online. You can upload to facebook & somtimes youtube. The downside is there no embeding option. You can only share with your twitter & facebook friends. If you want to publish video fast & simple this would be ideal. However if you are looking to have a LIVE audience & interact with them I wouldent use this streaming Live app.
{ To view the video go the link below}

3. Ustream This app is very good. There are two apps. One to stream to your live Channel & another to view live channels. Its great to have a viewer though there isnt much to it. The live streaming app offers very little option to & publishes very choopy slow video. Even once uploaded it is off on sound. Thats after recording @ 3 different times.

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