Thursday, January 21, 2010

Icy Day!

Wow if your liveing in iowa we allways have the wacky weather. This week has been filled with a few days off from school and late start. We have had some really slick roads here in burlington. I have heard that cedar rapids was dealing with power outages and car accidents. Yesterday i went outside and took some video on my droid phone. This well give you an idea of what the weather condition looked liked.

As you can see it was not that icy when I took that. Just lots of nasty slush and water. Though in the monrnig the raods were ice skateing rinks and by night fall that was just a mess.

Today Got a late start to school. So far it seems like I have lots of computer classes dealing with design and working with basic computer applications.

Hope you all are haveing a great day.

Dont forget you can also follow me on twitter and google now...stalk me!!!