Friday, April 23, 2010

My take on f8

I thought this blog got posted along time ago. I ment for it to be up yesterday but I wrote it right online and didn't bother saving it onto word or anything.

I watched the f8 developers conference and was very pleases on what I saw. Just a few days later I have seen some people starting to say how facebook is taking over the web and knowing all of there personal info. If its personal why are you posting it were everybody can see it?? These same people are on and share special moments of there lives threw facebook. They feel that facebook should not have the right to that data to facebook advertise setin products to them. There has been this small group of people since the internet first came out that it would take over are lives (which in a sence it has) but that it would destroy human kind and there would be no jobs (considering were the job market is maybe there right>) though it has brought lots of new jobs with it.

5 or 8 yrs ago if I was in high-school I would never been able to text me parents and let them know what is going on. I would never be able to post pictures as fast I do to share them with my friends and relatives. and just a few yrs ago ads were just there engaged in my interest so there no longer ads there more of a source I look to when it gets my attetnion. Which is now pretty much all of the time.

I would love to write more and be able to edit but I just dont have the time @ the moment. Have to finish up this wondering research paper.

Below is my 5 min rant on the f8 conference.