Sunday, November 16, 2008

Parents being funny

So we are comin​g back from Churc​h this morni​ng and my paren​ts start​ danci​ng to a song that was on Hot 97,​3.​.​I quick​ly pulle​d out my cell phone​ recor​ed this short​ video​.​.​and well watch​ the 12 secon​d video​ and enjoy​

people are daceing in the parents on

Went dirtbikeing this afternoon. Only rode for a hr and paid 15 bucks..what a rip the person loved it though. I only got video heading up there because it was so could outside. here is a video.

Also the moviemeadscom website is going to be down for awhile while we work on building a brand new site..please wait..meanwhile check out jacob and mine myspace and twiter.

Grant Mead

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