WOW! What a big storm that came through SE Iowa. Hope you’re all having good luck on cleaning up the mess and flooded basement. My parents’ house didn’t get spared either with a few inches of water destroying everything on the ground.
One of the things I talked about for the beginning of this year was location bases services. Foursquare the biggest one lets you check-in to places and let others know where you’re out. One of the things though is location based services have hit a small little bump in the road. Big companies like Facebook have had lots of privacy issues in the last month & your avg. person doesn’t have a smartphone that can run these services.
With sites such as robmeplese.com let people know where you’re out of your house. I really think it’s a funny but yet logical approach what the site is trying to bring to light.
I love location based services. For myself I can share were I’m @ then have people comment on it. It brings to light what I don’t like. Now the one thing I have noticed is that lots of places I check into I just too that check in. The store or whatever it be don’t engage with the audience so eventually I either stop going to that place or stop checking in.
A great place to keep up to date on all this info on social media news & for a in-depth look go to www.mashable.com
Below is a fun & interesting facts about facebook. So read away and know more then your friends
[Source: Online PhD Programs for MashableMashable