Ok I was really looking at all of the news blogs and twitter days leading up to the release of the ipad. As I kept hearing people call it the islate. I thought to myself this device is going to cost alot of money. Then I heard it would be running the iphone software a day before its release.
Well here we are today with nothing more then a huge iphone. I thought to myself maby my school or others could use it to put text books on. I thought yes this would be a great thing. But here are some big limitions that would keep school administrators from doing this.
1. While you could put all textbooks on it and save money. What if the student drops the book,water gets spilled on it, or the studnet dosent keep the battery charged?
2. There is no handwritting pen to be people to hand write on it. Yes there is a nice keyboard but I can get that on my mac book that is about the same size.
3. The iphone and itouch have wonderful gameing featues. The ipad does not have this that much and also lacks flash.
4. To hook the ipad up to a school network would prove challening. Considering since its running the iphone software not mac os.
So while yea some schools are gong to use the ipad to put text books on. In reality its just not the right device for stidemts to get everything they need in high school or college. Mac books can do just about that and a kindly you can put your books on.