I thought this blog got posted along time ago. I ment for it to be up yesterday but I wrote it right online and didn't bother saving it onto word or anything.
I watched the f8 developers conference and was very pleases on what I saw. Just a few days later I have seen some people starting to say how facebook is taking over the web and knowing all of there personal info. If its personal why are you posting it were everybody can see it?? These same people are on and share special moments of there lives threw facebook. They feel that facebook should not have the right to that data to facebook advertise setin products to them. There has been this small group of people since the internet first came out that it would take over are lives (which in a sence it has) but that it would destroy human kind and there would be no jobs (considering were the job market is maybe there right>) though it has brought lots of new jobs with it.
5 or 8 yrs ago if I was in high-school I would never been able to text me parents and let them know what is going on. I would never be able to post pictures as fast I do to share them with my friends and relatives. and just a few yrs ago ads were just ads..now there engaged in my interest so there no longer ads there more of a source I look to when it gets my attetnion. Which is now pretty much all of the time.
I would love to write more and be able to edit but I just dont have the time @ the moment. Have to finish up this wondering research paper.
Below is my 5 min rant on the f8 conference.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Monday, April 19, 2010
Internet of Things
You know that a trend is ramping up when big companies begin to namecheck it. It's happening now with the Internet of Things, a term for when real-world objects connect to the Internet. The Internet of Things is the idea of a web of data provided by things like real-world devices and sensors. Senior executives from two major U.S. broadband and telecommunications companies - Verizon and AT&T - plus the CTO of the world's biggest network systems provider Cisco, have recently discussed the Internet of Things.
When that data is intimately tied to our real lives off-line, that's exciting. The Internet of Things offers a whole new world of opportunities for improved decision making, innovative services and (unfortunately) social surveillance. It's loaded with implications to consider.
Last week industry thought leader Tim O'Reilly, the man widely credited with popularizing the term Web 2.0, gave an opening keynote talk about the Internet of Things
Below is 5min Video explaining this. yes its 5mins but really you need a whole conference to understand it all. So take 5mins and watch this interesting and awesome video below.
Check out this artile on "Media consumption on the increase" by a UK survey.
When that data is intimately tied to our real lives off-line, that's exciting. The Internet of Things offers a whole new world of opportunities for improved decision making, innovative services and (unfortunately) social surveillance. It's loaded with implications to consider.
Last week industry thought leader Tim O'Reilly, the man widely credited with popularizing the term Web 2.0, gave an opening keynote talk about the Internet of Things
Below is 5min Video explaining this. yes its 5mins but really you need a whole conference to understand it all. So take 5mins and watch this interesting and awesome video below.
Check out this artile on "Media consumption on the increase" by a UK survey.
Friday, April 16, 2010
Day Of Silence
Please understand my reasons for not speaking today. I am participating
in the Day of Silence (DOS), a national youth movement bringing
attention to the silence faced by lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender
people and their allies. My deliberate silence echoes that silence, which
is caused by anti-LGBT bullying, name-calling and harassment.
I believe that ending the silence is the first step toward building
awareness and making a commitment to address these
injustices. Think about the voices you are not hearing today.
Day of Silence morning so far 8am
Walking around today I noticed lots of people I knew and just had to node to them. Being a public speaker and very talkative it was very hard for me to be able to be silent for just the morning.
I’m wondering what others well think and what they might say about us ..me. I do care. SO please let me know what u think because everybody has an option and that does not mean we should hate one another for it.
So on this day I’m gong way out of my way to just to go silent for the whole day. This is a day that I think everybody well look at wonder and ask lots of questions. Is Grant Mead Gay? Why does Grant support this?
I support this because after hearing all the stories about teens who kill and hurt them selves about not telling others who they are or what they feel. I’m Not Gay!( and that word I don’t care for being how it gets used) I’m straight and sticking up for my fellow peers.
Yea this day of silence thing is super hard for me. You should try it! Get some duck tape and put it across your mouth. Lots of people well talk just because of the silence SO BE SILENT AND BE HEARD
Wow seeing all of the kids walk around and talk. I really want to join in on the converstions. I’m tweeting so maby they should get on that way. It is making a huge impact on what the kids are thinking. I have gotten a lot of kids asking me what this is all about.
I had a great meal quietly while listing to what others had to say around me. I wish I could blog more but I think my twitter and facebook profile tell a lot. I never ment to use my website like this. I well creat a page for my blogging life.
Looks like lunch is wrapping up for me. Time to get back into class
End of the day
I was super disappointed on how the majority of my peers were poking fun at me. Later on into the evening I find out somone starts spreading around that Im gay and Im going on a date with a guy tonight. Please people dont believe that stuff. I stuck up for something that I thought was a good thing. I now have a super compassion on others around me who dont come out of the closet because nonobdy would want to be treated liked that. I really believe we need to love one another nobody who they are. yes we might not agree with it but that dosent mean we need to poke fun & make there lives horrible does it?
So please stop and ponder this moment this day. What did you do. Did you go silent for some of the day. Did you poke fun @ somone who was going silent. Did you see what was happing to the ones who were silent and getting picked on but decided not to do anything about it.
I ask you people please be yourself and SPEAK UP if your NOT SILENT!
in the Day of Silence (DOS), a national youth movement bringing
attention to the silence faced by lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender
people and their allies. My deliberate silence echoes that silence, which
is caused by anti-LGBT bullying, name-calling and harassment.
I believe that ending the silence is the first step toward building
awareness and making a commitment to address these
injustices. Think about the voices you are not hearing today.
Day of Silence morning so far 8am
Walking around today I noticed lots of people I knew and just had to node to them. Being a public speaker and very talkative it was very hard for me to be able to be silent for just the morning.
I’m wondering what others well think and what they might say about us ..me. I do care. SO please let me know what u think because everybody has an option and that does not mean we should hate one another for it.
So on this day I’m gong way out of my way to just to go silent for the whole day. This is a day that I think everybody well look at wonder and ask lots of questions. Is Grant Mead Gay? Why does Grant support this?
I support this because after hearing all the stories about teens who kill and hurt them selves about not telling others who they are or what they feel. I’m Not Gay!( and that word I don’t care for being how it gets used) I’m straight and sticking up for my fellow peers.
Yea this day of silence thing is super hard for me. You should try it! Get some duck tape and put it across your mouth. Lots of people well talk just because of the silence SO BE SILENT AND BE HEARD
Wow seeing all of the kids walk around and talk. I really want to join in on the converstions. I’m tweeting so maby they should get on that way. It is making a huge impact on what the kids are thinking. I have gotten a lot of kids asking me what this is all about.
I had a great meal quietly while listing to what others had to say around me. I wish I could blog more but I think my twitter and facebook profile tell a lot. I never ment to use my website like this. I well creat a page for my blogging life.
Looks like lunch is wrapping up for me. Time to get back into class
End of the day
I was super disappointed on how the majority of my peers were poking fun at me. Later on into the evening I find out somone starts spreading around that Im gay and Im going on a date with a guy tonight. Please people dont believe that stuff. I stuck up for something that I thought was a good thing. I now have a super compassion on others around me who dont come out of the closet because nonobdy would want to be treated liked that. I really believe we need to love one another nobody who they are. yes we might not agree with it but that dosent mean we need to poke fun & make there lives horrible does it?
So please stop and ponder this moment this day. What did you do. Did you go silent for some of the day. Did you poke fun @ somone who was going silent. Did you see what was happing to the ones who were silent and getting picked on but decided not to do anything about it.
I ask you people please be yourself and SPEAK UP if your NOT SILENT!
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
No Ending
Monday, April 5, 2010
Easter Sunday

Hope you and Your family had a Wonderful Easter Sunday. I had a glorious one..lets take a few seconds to recap it.
Went to Harmony Bible Church were I had some amazing worshiping.
Had a blast searching for easter eggs.
Here is a short video I took on my phone http://qik.com/video/5866361 some how it stoped uploading so lost all the other footage.
Went to the park and got lost in the woods..lol. Bored so I uploaded a new video to YouTube.
Also if You havent heard in the new Baja Mexico got hit with a earthquake. I'm wanting to go down there in June to help them rebuild. Please help by donating some money or sending asking your friends to donate.
$1 $5 or more dont matter how much you give everything helps!
Link to the page on more info about the trip
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