Saturday, March 21, 2009

    I have been working with the past few months to get my personal blog up. For now I'm going to keep blogging here without a personal url. It would be nice to have a personal url but it is not working right. Hopefully spazzydesigns can get it to work.

I was just wondering how many people use google connect. I know I have been using a lot of what google has to offer because it is FREE and you really can't beat that. It is also easy to use and a lot of people know about it.

    If you are a person who loves to know what other people are doing all the time. Then you are in luck with me. I post my whole life pretty much online. Now this might not be a good idea though I am still doing it and Hope to one day have a wonderful job because of it.

    Here is a bible study I got by e-mail today and I thought it was worth posting.

The Real You

By: Allysa


“Therefore we do not lose heart. Even though our outward man is perishing, yet the inward man is being renewed day by day.” 2 Corinthians 4:16


I know that we all have different masks. A mask for when you are with your parents and family, a mask with these friends, a mask for those friends, a mask for when you are at church, and a mask for about every group of people that you spend time with. They are how we present ourselves and what people see when they spend time with us. But this verse implies that God is breaking down those masks, He is breaking down that outward appearance. He is taking down all the walls we have built and each day revealing more and more the true person that we are. That mask is disappearing and not only that, God is healing and renewing the person that we really are. He is taking away all the pain and the hurt, the grim and the filth; He is revealing the amazing creation that He created us all to be. “Therefore we do not lose heart.” I know this is not an easy process and it sure isn’t a painless one either but don’t loose heart, it is all worth it. You will become the person that God created you to be, you will be the real you.

Get something like this sent to your inbox just check out

Have lots more I was to talk about but cant type fast enough.

Check out my voice blog @




Friday, March 20, 2009

you know you`re from Burlington when..

1. You`ve begged your parents to "Go down snake alley"
2. You did Big wheel races near the six street bridge.
3. You get mad when you’re out of state and they don`t have "Sterzing`s" at the gas station.
4. You know who "Vince" is.
5. You know the lady with the wig.
6. You remember the "Rainbow" ride at Steam Boat Days
7. You know exactly what "Ghetto" -Vee means
8. You remember the Bingo tent at Steam Boat Days, and hanging out in the beer tent with your parents.
9. You can name at least 7 Diewolds.

(And are some how kind of related to one of them)
10. You remember Ballborts penny candy.
11. You remember "Jacks"
12. You know what really went on under the Cascade bridge.
13. You know exactly what "going east side" or "going across" means
14. You can remember Titus`s
15. You`ve been to Donutland, Godfathers and Grinder`s.
16. You can remember hanging out at Kenny`s Roller Rink or the Mall on Friday and Saturday nights before Fun City existed.
17. You`ve gone down the Curly Q slide in Crapo Park
18. You get a craving for Napoli`s
19. You know Dancin Bobby and have one of his autographed baseballs.
20. You went to Venus`s on your 18th Birthday...and giggled the whole time

Sunday, March 15, 2009

20 reasons why being short is good

List for @jonna_2 In response to here twitter to @grantmead on Give me 20 reasons of why being short is good for. Here is the list I made. Comment and edit the list

Check out this you tube video On "Pro of being short"

The average height for a woman in America is 5 feet 3 inches


1.Squeeze through a crowd of people easier than most

2.You can sit on somebodys shoulders and see a crowd

3. live longer (Bulletin of the World Health Organization printed an article)

4.guys love snuggling with a short person

5..being able to do the limbo without breaking your back

6.You can get in places at kids prices

7.You look younger than you are

8.have a lower center of gravity, and having a lower center of gravity gives someone better balance and stability

9.You're closer to any money on the floor

10. shorties are valued greatly in the military for they are able to go under fences

11. Enjoy a really slow walk and blame it on your short legs

12.Sometimes get really cheap clothes because the ones in the 'girl's' section fit!

13.Curl-up in a one-seater and fall asleep peacefully

14. Being 5" and below aint all that bad.....notice how they are never called up to the board and work out stuff in front of the entire class.

15. Shorter people are less likely to break bones when they fall, have faster reaction times, greater ability to accelerate body movements and are less likely to get severely injured in a car accident.

16. use far fewer calories than the average person.(needing not to spend much on food)

17.You can duck faster

18.You do not have to duck your head down to fit in a small door

19. less chance of being struck by lighting (which would go to living longer I guess)

20. easier to hide in hide n seek


So there is the list I came up with. I know there is a lot more. I know when I said I was going to do this I had some of my twitter follower's tell me that there is a lot of science in why being short is a lot better.




In closing with some wonderful quote 's

"Even the smallest person can change the course of the future." J.R.R. Tolkien

"The little things are infinitely the most important" Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.

-Size does matter and shorter is hotter-
-Good things come in small packages-

.--Grant Mead---